Growing up so fast! Darling, mischievous little chicks start ruling the nest.
Baby toys are left behind. More involved, mysterious toys are in demand. Ginga Kobo Toys has designed extraordinarily delightful toys for these little inquisitive minds. Inquisitive minds challenging a new world of play. As extraordinary as these little minds are, so must their toys be. Mischievous little minds become transfixed into moments of peaceful inspired concentration. Tiny hands and fingers nimbly manipulate puzzle pieces, refined eye and hand coordination is reinforced through "Kendama" play. Such a thorough training in the understanding of perspective and dimension! Ginga Kobo Toys hopes to help children develop all these mental and physical skills with toys. This is our goal. Our wooden toys bring creativity into the lives of little children. The power and strength of little children is matched in the power and strength of the toys they play with. Ginga Kobo Wooden Toys challenge these mischievous terrible twos kids into a world of fun and fascination!

From the 1950's until the 90's America worshipped scientific thought. Pragmatic premises ruled educational ideology. America society shifted into controversial priorities. Psychological theories in child development were challenged. Behaviorism shocked yet impressed the educated masses. Skinner and Pavlov set the pace. Fantasy became taboo in households of the higher educated circles. Intelligence required facing reality. Intelligent parents discouraged the non-realities of their child's fantasy world.
An American friend and I were talking about this phenomena, I asked what happened to those children. She then told me about a child who at some point lost the ability to tie his shoes, forgot his name and eventually could not even concentrate on school studies. The child became generally distant and unaware. The teacher decided to talk with the child's parents about the strange disorientation. While speaking with the parents, the teacher realized that the parents although very intelligent and sincerely concerned about their child's welfare, were thoroughly convinced that the fantasy world of children was not appropriate for their brilliant son. The teacher realized the severity of the problem and became alarmed. She immediately told the parents to start creating a fantasy world for their child. She explained that a child who must face reality with no escape into the world of creativity would not be able to mentally cope with reality in the end. Indeed their son could not even tie his shoes, he had lost his comprehension of any reality. The parents panicked, they began creating a fantasy world for their son. Together with their son they explored fantasy story books, and played with creative toys, challenging the dexterity of both mind and body. Everyone pursued playtime together, they had lots of fun, their own imaginations as well as their son's were inspired and challenged.
The importance of inspiring artistic thoughts came into focus. Their child recovered. This world of fantasy is a child's privilege, an absolute necessity. Denying a world of fantasy to a child is cruel and unforgivable.

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wooden toys

wooden toys

wooden toys

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● Ginga Kobo Toys Statement
So much is involved in the creation of a toy. From beginning to end lots of energy and inspiration goes into each stage of production. The wood, paint, craftsmanship, and design are of primary importance. Every point is carefully monitored. Daily problems are overcome, toys take precedence. Each and everyday creating toys is our mission. Our dream is to create toys which will support a mountain of laughter and joy.

Copyright (C) GINGA KOBO TOYS All Rights Reserved.