How To Read Your Dog's Body Language


Body Language Basics (基本のボディーランゲージ )







What is your dog trying to tell you? Dogs have a language that allows them to communicate their emotional state and their intentions to others around them. Although dogs do use sounds and signals, much of the information that they send is through their body language, specifically their facial expressions and body postures.


To help you, I have created a sort of visual version to allow you to interpret the eight most important messages your dog is sending to you.




1. Relaxed Approachable(リラックスして近づきやすい状態)

Relaxed Approachable(リラックスして近づきやすい状態)のイラスト


This dog is relaxed and reasonably content. Such a dog is unconcerned and unthreatened by any activities going on in his immediate environment and is usually approachable.

2. Alert- Checking Things Out(周囲を警戒している状態)

Alert- Checking Things Out(周囲を警戒している状態)イラスト


If the dog has detected something of interest, or something unknown, these signals communicate that he is now alert and paying attention while he is assessing the situation to determine if there is any threat or if any action should be taken.

3. Dominant Aggressive (攻撃的な状態です)

Dominant Aggressive (攻撃的な状態です)イラスト


This dog is frightened but is not submissive and may attack if pressed. A dog will generally give these signals when he is directly facing the individual who is threatening him.

4. Fearful and Aggressive(恐ろしく攻撃的です)

Fearful and Aggressive(恐ろしく攻撃的です)イラスト


This dog is frightened but is not submissive and may attack if pressed. A dog will generally give these signals when he is directly facing the individual who is threatening him.

5. Stressed and Distressed(圧力でストレスを感じている状態)

Stressed and Distressed(圧力でストレスを感じている状態)イラスト


This dog is under either social or environmental stress. These signals, however, are a general "broadcast" of his state of mind and are not being specifically addressed to any other individual.

6. Fearful and Worried(凄く心配している状態です)

Fearful and Worried(凄く心配している状態です)イラスト


This dog is somewhat fearful and is offering signs of submission. These signals are designed to pacify the individual who is of higher social status or whom the dog sees as potentially threatening, in order to avoid any further challenges and prevent conflict.

7. Extreme Fear- Total Submission(超恐れているー総服従な状態)

Extreme Fear- Total Submission(超恐れているー総服従な状態)イラスト


This dog is indicating total surrender and submission. He is trying to say that he accepts his lower status by groveling before a higher ranking or threatening individual in the hopes of avoiding a physical confrontation.

8. Playfulness (遊ぼうという状態)

Playfulness (遊ぼうという状態)イラスト


Here we have the basic invitation to play. It may be accompanied by excited barking or playful attacks and retreats. This set of signals may be used as a sort of "punctuation mark" to indicate that any previous rough behaviour was not meant as a threat or challenge.